iPadOS 14.2 包括了超过100 个全新表情符号,推出了八款全新背景图片,以及为iPad 带来了其他全新增强项目和错误修正。 iPadOS 14.2 下载链接 11-in. iPad Pro (1st generation), 12.9-in. iPad Pro (3rd generation) 10.5-in. iPad Pro (1st gene...
点击进入:ChatGPT工具插件导航大全 更多请关注统信UOS之家:https://www.xtuos.com 您可以通过以下方式下载统信UOS个人体验版: 官方地址: https://www.chinauos.com/topic/uos_desktop_try/download 百度网盘(提取码:6j43): https://pan.baidu.com/s...

3点击进入:ChatGPT工具插件导航大全 微软官方网站虽然已经放出了ISO镜像下载地址,如果你在 Windows 设备上访问Windows 10下载网站,那么微软会优先推荐下载媒体创建工具(Media Creation Tool)。 下在请看看我的操作方法: 我以Google Chrome浏览器为例操作。 1、进入官方网站:https://www.micro...
点击进入:ChatGPT工具插件导航大全 Lilu.kext驱动是黑苹果驱动扩展库,Lilu.kext驱动是我们用户在安装黑苹果系统的时候必不可缺的一款驱动程序。 v1.2.6 Added Cannon Lake and Ice Lake definitions Added missing typed getOSData APIs Added -liluus...
点击进入:ChatGPT工具插件导航大全 IOath3kfrmw, RehabMan fork Atheros 3k (AR3011) kernel extension for Mac OS X – firmware upload. Currently known to work on: Snow Leopard (10.6.8), Lion, ...
点击进入:ChatGPT工具插件导航大全 Fork of Mieze’s Realtek RTL8111 Network Driver by RehabMan How to Install: First you must remove any other Realtek driver you may have installed. Common ...
点击进入:ChatGPT工具插件导航大全 ACPIBatteryManager by RehabMan How to Install: Install the kext using your favorite kext installer utility, such as Kext Wizard. The Debug director is for trou...
点击进入:ChatGPT工具插件导航大全 ATH9KFixup Note: This RehabMan fork mostly created just to keep for future use. (I don’t have this hardware currently, so no way to test it) An open sour...
点击进入:ChatGPT工具插件导航大全 Resetting Network Interfaces In order to work for Mac App Store access, NullEthernet must be assigned to ‘en0’. If you’ve previously had netw...
点击进入:ChatGPT工具插件导航大全 支持第八代coffelake平台,特下载源码自编译了一下,新平台的朋友可以下载使用。 Fork of Mieze’s Intel Mausi Network Driver by RehabMan How to Install: Install to /S/L/E or /L/E using your fa...